It's a Good Friday

He's here!  The little monster MK was born Friday weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and 20.5 inches little.  And man does he look like his big brother.  It was so amazing to be there with and for my sister and her family.  There was so much love in that recovery room.  Both baby and mom are doing well and are home resting or at least trying to.  I wish I could share pictures of him but I can't.  Since the c-section was planned I woke up at 4:00 Friday morning and made the hour drive down to LA.  On the way I got a bit emotional but was immediately overcome with guilt.  Friday was their day.  Friday was a celebration of life, family and love.  There was no time or place for tears.

While everyone was in the hospital recovering, Babe and I took our older nephew to stay with us for the weekend.  I'm thankful to my brother-in-law and sister for how well they've brought him up because every time he stays over, he's so well behaved.  This weekend was no different.  Unfortunately he makes me wonder sometimes if I'm really ready for my own.  Usually I drop him off with his parents and realize how completely exhausted I really am.  We have to remind ourselves that nephews and nieces are for spoiling.  When it comes to our kids, that can be left to our siblings.  Haha.

On an IF note, my temps have continued to rise.  I'm usually on the higher side of the scale between high 97's and low 98's.  My pre-ovulatory dip was 97.6 and it's gone up to 98.4 in the last two days.  I don't think I'm pregnant, or so I keep telling myself.  It's easier to be happy later than disappointed.  But in all seriousness, I don't feel any different. In fact my temps were off today and I may have manipulated them but I won't know until tomorrow.  Some nights it gets so hot in our room that Babe sleeps on the other end with a fan.  Last night we decided to cuddle near the fan even though I was freezing.  When I woke up my temp was 98.0.  I flipped to the other side, got comfy and waited about 10 minutes to take it again.  That's when it went back to 98.4.  I genuinely believe the fan caused the drop.  We'll see.

Also today is officially the second day of National Infertility Awareness Week and although I decided not to "come out" on FB, I did do a couple of other things.  This morning I changed my FB photo to include a twibbon AND I made my infertility board public on Pinterest.  I know those seem minor but they're huge for me.  I feel like I've let people I know take a peek into my very private struggle.  If you knew me you'd know that's completely against everything I am.  My hope is that it helps people understand this is a very real struggle.  My Pinterest board in particular has a lot of references for IF awareness, topical guides, and blog links.  In fact one of my pins is linked to this blog which is even more scary.  It's a step though.


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