Can I get a referral?

It's been two and a half weeks since my last appointment and I'm starting to feel a little anxious that I haven't received my referral in the mail yet.  I knew it could take up to three weeks I was just hoping that it wouldn't.  I'm reminded every morning when I take my basal temperature that I really should talk to a professional about my charts.  Just when I think I might have ovulated after getting a huge temp spike, I wake up the next day to find it as low or lower than the day before.

I also used to feel the major side "cramp" that would come with ovulating.  Since charting the last three cycles I've only felt it once.  My only educated guess after reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility", is that I'm anovulatory.  My cycle lengths are an average of 34 days and wasting money on ovulation predictor kits (OPK's) seems a little ridiculous when all the signs are pointing to no ovulation.

It's been about 6 months since I peed on a stick for OPK's and about 4 since I stopped taking home pregnancy tests (HPT).  They all just don't seem worth it.  I get myself all worked up with the slightest cramping, spotting, etc.  It also doesn't help that almost all early pregnancy symptoms you read about in books and online can double as PMS symptoms.

I need to be patient I know.  It's something I'm working on.


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