Surprises in Surprise, Arizona

I have no real answer for where I've been the last week.  I only know that the time taken off wasn't entirely necessary, just nice to have.  It started with me coming home from Arizona feeling pretty lousy and having to go to the doctor to get checked out Monday.  Then going into work Tuesday and feeling even worse. Before I knew it, Wednesday and Thursday had gone and I didn't feel one ounce of regret for not posting.

Now that this week has begun I'm feeling the urge to write again.  I found that in doing so, I work out the kinks in my own mind before I spread my weirdness to others.  It's helped.

Arizona was a blast and yet it wasn't.  I have a hard time vacationing with my family.  Originally I thought it was my moms need for complete planning on traveling which may be part of it, but I find that the common denominator is me. First off, it's hard being on other peoples schedule for long periods of time.  It's also difficult when you have no means of deviating because you're not the driver.  And as I've mentioned before, I can't stand when people push you to do whatever it is that they want to do but don't offer the same consideration.  Basically I'm stubborn in the worst way. Couple all that with fitting in tight spaces with a preschooler and infant and you start to think they're the calm ones.

But we survived.  Barely.  My sister surprised my brother by coming with us with both nephews.  It was the first time his family has met little MKV after 3 months.  It was so sweet to see everyone's reaction when they saw each other for the first time.  It made for great photos.  We got to spend a lot of time with my brother and his family one last time before his temporary base assignment and move to AL.  He was in such a good mood which made it so awesome. My nephews had a blast playing with each other and my brother's son even asked if he could keep my sister's son at their house when we had to leave.  Those boys are a crack up.  It was great catching up with them and having a weekend devoted to family.  I'm so proud of my brother, the man, husband and dad he's become.  I don't think I've ever been more proud of him.  


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