Wednesday night was a step in the right direction for us.  We'd attended a fertility seminar by a local RE.  At it, they were giving away free initial consultations with the RE and raffling $1000 worth of treatments.  Unfortunately we weren't the winners, but at least we learned some new valuable information.  It was also nice having Babe sitting beside me instead of me relaying information which is what normally happens.  In fact I asked him afterwards what if anything he learned for the first time.  His first response was "that the guy next to me had a huge ass" because he had to sit partially on my chair making me hang off the edge.  Lol.  The second was that he needed to cut down on drinking.  Mind you I've told him the same thing a ton of few times but all of a sudden the Dr. tells him and he's on it. WTF!  At least I can be thankful that he sees it now.  

My appointment with my new RE is officially set for December 3rd.  I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. Today felt really great filling out a questionnaire that actually had IF related tests and terms on it.  It's the first time I've been asked about the length of my periods, the pain I endure, testing for progesterone, etc.  Mostly it feels surreal after two years to finally be at this point.  I know there's a long road ahead of us with more testing and possibly treatments before we can realize our dream of parenthood.  I'm just so excited to be at another major step.  

Thankfully there's so much going on between birthdays, baptisms, weddings and vacations to make the next 6 weeks fly by.


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