Hi old friends! It’s been… a minute. Okay, so it’s been more than a minute.
I think it’s been almost three years. THREE YEARS. So, let me explain. No,
Dominican Dreamer
Acronyms Defined
2WW Two week wait - the time
between ovulation and the
beginning of the next cycle
3T Trouble trying to conceive board on The Bump
AMH Anti-Mullerian Hormone - helps
identify egg reserve
BBT Basal body temperature - used
when charting
CD Cycle day
CM Cervical mucus, cervical fluid
DPO Days past ovulation
DPIUI Days past IUI
DTLA Downtown Los Angeles -
sometimes referred to as LA
E My husband also referred to as
FF Fertility Friend (app)
FR First Response pregnancy test
HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
(hormone, sometimes
HPT Home pregnancy test
HSG Hysterosalpingogram - test to
see uterus and fallopian tubes
I.E. Inland Empire - area in S. CA
IF Infertility, infertile
IUI Intrauterine insemination
IVF In vitro fertilization (procedure)
NIAW National infertility awareness
OPK Ovulation test, ovulation
predictor kit
PCOS Polycystic ovary syndrome
PCP Primary care physician
PPA Postpartum Anxiety
RE Reproductive endocrinologist,
fertility doctor
SA Semen analysis
TB/TD The Bump (website)
TCF Then Comes Family (chat
TCOYF "Taking Charge of
Your Fertility" by Toni
TTTC Trouble trying to conceive
board on The Bump
- Advocacy Day
- Alternative Family Building
- Baby Love
- Blog Love
- Blogging
- Charting
- Delivery
- Doctors
- Dreams
- Encouragement
- Family
- First Trimester
- Friends
- Gestational Diabetes
- Holidays
- House
- Husband Love
- Infertility
- Infertility Awareness
- Insurance
- Parties
- Post Partum Anxiety
- Pregnancy
- Puppy
- Quilting
- Reading
- Second Trimester
- Sewing
- symptoms
- Testing
- Third Trimester
- Trips
- Weekend
- Welcome
- Work
Blogs To Follow
Chris-That moment when the impossible is realized, when your wall of Jericho comes tumbling down, when “that flag was still there,” that is kind of where...
This Saturday is a brand new episode of “Home Sweet Home” on Food Network. My kids are helping me shoot it, my production company in the UK is editing it t...
For the moment, things are going well! I can feel baby girl move a ton and my bleeding turned to brown and then vanished! For the past three days I have fe...
I’ve been remiss in keeping y’all updated, but our precious Rainbow Baby made her way into this world on Nov. 10, 2016. Here she is, 14 weeks later, on V...
Well, I haven't been blogging, that's pretty apparent. Sorry, readers. I really mean that. I do feel guilty. But really I guess I need to not put so much p...
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