
Jul 23, 2015

My cup overlows

Is it possible to be even more blessed than you already are.  I mean, this feeling has been oozing out of me for a while but there have been so many more unexpected things happen to us I don't know how to contain myself.

As you know we had planned to move soon.  We were shocked to find we received an offer a week after putting it on the market.  Thank God, one thing down.  Since then we've been scouring the surrounding cities looking for the perfect house, with the perfect location all within our budget.  Babe and I had started to get discouraged because we couldn't quite find that combination until this weekend.  As soon as we saw it online we knew it could be our house but the day we arrived we realized the odds were against us.  In four days of being on the market more than 30 people had already walked through and offers had already been submitted.  We literally were sitting in our car outside waiting for our realtor watching cars slow down in front of it and pick up the phone.  

The house was as close to perfect as we could get.  The neighborhood was ideal, only 5 minutes from our current home but in a better part of town with better schools for baby bean.  The lot was large, large enough to have all our families over, let the dog run free, watch our little ones grow.  And the house, large enough to grow our family for the rest of our lives.  Good enough to feel cozy in, to make it our home.  It felt right, but we knew the competition was going to be tough.  So we did what any realtor would suggest of their clients, offer as much as you could.  By the next morning all our cards were on the table and we were nervous.  It would be a lot for us but it was doable.  I mean we'd done it before and if this was the right move, we'll never have to do it again.  

That same night we were notified that everyone would need to go back to the drawing board and come back with their very best offer.  E and I talked about it and realized there was nothing more we could do.  We'd already given them everything we could, we'd even written a letter to the homeowner directly thanking her for showing us around.  We took a huge risk knowing we would more than likely not be chosen.  We decided to resubmit the exact same offer.  

Last nights call came as expected.  Babe and I had resigned ourselves to not getting chosen because we didn't have any more to give.  We would just have to schedule more walk through over the weekend to find that right place.  But then our realtor said something that we had never in a million years expected, they chose our offer.  What?  But how? Why?  So many questions, some that we're okay are never answered.

Of course the second we get off the phone Babe begins budgeting, packing and planning some more.  After this years medical problems we've still been waiting receive the bills for his surgery, my fertility treatments and of course planning for baby beans impending birth.  So I promised I would call the insurance company first thing in the morning to find out what's taking so long on his surgery bill.  This morning I talked to John.  By the way, I could kiss John.  John told me that the insurance had already been billed and that we should never receive a bill for E's knee surgery. Seriously!  He also told me that when baby bean is born, we will not be charged one penny.  As I relayed the information to my husband I could literally hear the smile spreading across his face.  How great it is to hear his sign of relief.

I'm just at a loss for words at how good God is.  How much things have turned around for us when we were expecting such devastation this year.  That there are too many things to be thankful for to count.  But oh how I am.

Jul 21, 2015


I'm feeling particularly thankful lately.  Maybe because of baby bean or maybe because it's due to all the amazing things that are happening for us lately.  Either way  I feel like maybe I was never this thankful before, at least not to pour out of me.  

It's funny because every Thanksgiving my family likes to do this thing where you go around the table and say what you're thankful for.  I'm sure many people celebrate similarly.  Whenever my turn comes around though I feel so lame. Of course I'm thankful for my husband, my family, my home my job, why must I say it over and over again.  Is it ever okay to not be thankful?  I know that's how I felt last year.  I hate the expectation of having to share something especially when I really can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  So maybe I'm making up for it, who knows.  

Really I just want a reminder later on down the line that there's so much to be thankful for.  Even in the darkest moments because it won't always be that way.  Just like the saying goes "on particularly rough days when I'm sure I can't possibly endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100% and that's pretty good".

So here are just a few things I'm thankful for lately.  

Jul 14, 2015

Little update

Have you ever heard someone say that summer colds last longer than winter colds?  Have you ever had a summer cold?  They suck in so many different ways that the only good thing about them is they're not a summer flu.  Babe came down with a small cold in the middle of our Vegas trip two weeks ago.  It knocked him on his butt for a couple of days and since he's been fighting all the cycling symptoms which never seem to be the same from day to day.  And as much as we tried to avoid it, it finally caught up to me last week too.  Of course I can't just get a normal cold.  Nope, on Saturday night we wound up in the emergency room with me having an asthma attack that I just couldn't fight.  After just a couple hours, a breathing treatment and a prescription to treat bronchitis.  Luckily for me the medication is considered safe and is finally helping.  It's been pretty rough the last couple of days with very little sleep to get me through the day.

Besides having bronchitis, we're now in the midst of selling our house.  It's caused a lot of stress for Babe which I hope eases up soon.  Our house went on the market a week ago and we've had one interested party and a lot of lookie loos.  We've yet to find anything ourselves that meets all of our must haves but I'm sure we'll get there.  At this point we're no worse off if the house doesn't sell and we have to stay in it for a while longer. I just really hope E sees how much he's putting himself through by worrying and give himself a break.  There's a  lot going on and he's not responsible for fixing it all by himself.